Our History
Our school was founded in 1856 in buildings adjacent to St Edward's Catholic Church, Park End Road and was known by our parish name - St Edward's. In 1968 the school took possession of its new buildings in Dorset Avenue, opening with the new name of St Peter's to distinguish us from our friends and neighbours, St Edward's C of E School. We have recently celebrated our 40th anniversary. We still maintain a strong relationship with St Edward's Catholic Church.
St. Peter's (formerly St. Edward's) Roman Catholic junior mixed and infants school, Dorset Avenue. In 1852 there was a Roman Catholic school at Romford with 19 children. A permanent school for 58 was built in 1856 in St. Edward's (later Laurie) Square. It was receiving annual government grants from 1880. In 1892 it was rebuilt for 112. Attendance rose slowly from 24 in 1880 to 67 in 1911. The school was granted Aided status in 1951. It was reorganized in 1954 for juniors and infants. In 1968 it was renamed and moved to new buildings in Dorset Avenue.
An exerpt from ''Romford: Education and charities', A History of the County of Essex'
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