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Our Strategic Planning for Development

Our strategic planning for development of the school comprises of:

3 year Strategic Plan 

Current Detailed Development Plan

School Self Evaluation 

External Validation Reports


School Development Plan

Our School Development Plan 2022-23 is a working document that articulates the aims and vision of our Catholic School.  It has been drawn up in consultation with staff, governors and pupils and a summary document has been shared with parents.  It demonstrates the way in which we endeavour to achieve our Vision and uphold our Mission Statement and School Aims during the coming year.  

The School Development Plan drives the development of our school, is a tool in which we can monitor our effectiveness and efficiency and a process by which we engage in Self-Evaluation.  

The key areas on which we focus are related directly to the Framework for School Inspection (September 2022): The Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development and Leadership and Management.


At St. Peter’s, the School Development Plan is set within local and national contexts. 

The following will direct our work and development this academic year:

  • A child centred and coordinated approach to safeguarding
  • Response to the White Paper 'Opportunity for All: Strong schools with great teachers for your child'
  • A review of the progress made within SDP 2021-2022
  • Response to the SEND Review 'Right Support, Right Place, Right Time'
  • Increased numbers of Pupil Premium pupils
  • The characteristics of our learners
  • Increased EAL learners
  • Increased pupils with SEND
  • The embedding of the new Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
  • The recruitment, induction and support of new staff including Early Career Teachers and increased numbers of Teaching Assistants
  • Continued drive to increase the percentage of pupils reaching standards greater than expected in Reading, Writing and Maths and Combined
  • The preparation towards Ofsted Inspection 
  • Strengthening of Middle and Senior Leadership roles

This School Development Plan sees the beginning of a 3 Year Plan for development 2022-25.  

Governors maintain a detailed School Development Plan and monitor the progress towards the objectives outlined within this throughout the year. 


Summary Overview of School Development Themes 2022-2023

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