St Peter's School Uniform
In line with current Havering’s Safeguarding Children’s Board Guidance, by providing a choice of approved items of uniform and allowing parents and pupils to choose what they wish to wear, St. Peter’s allows for regulated structure but without exclusion. Our policy promotes equality and inclusion for all. The school uniform policy has been agreed by the Governing Body of St Peter's School and is reviewed annually.
Children may wear a school summer uniform from the Summer Term until October Half Term
White cycling shorts may be worn under the summer dress that are above the hemline.
Children may wear the school Polo Shirt available only from the school supplier.
Alternatively, parents can choose for their child to wear the winter uniform throughout the year.
School Uniform is available from our supplier, Havering Schoolwear
Our PA also run a 'nearly new' uniform shop, the link can be found here.
Additional Guidance
- A sensible watch may be worn.
- No jewellery, including earrings is allowed. Ear retainers and threads are not to be worn.
- All children must wear hair in a sensible manner. No fashion styles including hair shaving designs or gel is allowed.
- Long hair should be tied backwith simple hair accessories in school colours of yellow, green, white or black.
- Braided hair should not be dressed with plastic beads but with elastic bands in the school colours.
Winter Uniform
- White school collared shirt/blouse to be worn with school tie
- Grey school slim fit trousers/Grey skirt/tunic
- School jumper/cardigan
- School tie
- White/grey socks or grey tights
- Black sensible shoes or black trainers
- Grey/navy/black coat
- School blazer (optional)
- School navy hat (optional)
- School scarf (optional)
PE Kit
- School PE T-Shirt
- Navy shorts
- St Peter’s School Tracksuit top
- Navy blue tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers for Yrs. Reception- Year 6
- St. Peter’s School swimming hat for Y5/6 only
- Black/navy swimming costume/trunks for Y5/6 only
Summer Uniform
- White school collared shirt/blouse to be worn with school tie
- School Polo Shirt
- School summer dress
- Grey skirt/tunic/school slim fit trousers/grey school shorts
- School jumper/cardigan
- School tie to be worn with shirt or blouse
- White/grey socks
- Black sensible shoes or black trainers
- Black, white, brown closed toe flat sandals
- Grey/navy/black coat
- School blazer (optional)
- School cap (optional)