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Welcome to St Peter's Catholic Primary



To inspire our children to discover and develop the person God created them to be.





At St Peter's we value our children learning about Character Education. Have a look at our displays showing the children's understanding of caring, courage, honesty, fairness, manners, respect, resilience, self control, empathy, generosity, perserverance, aspiration, respect and tolerance.

St Peter's Signature


Dear Parents and children,

I trust this finds you and your family well, as the staff and I are continue to think about our community here at St. Peter’s. 

We continue to acknowledge the very difficult and challenging circumstances we found ourselves in during the peak of the pandemic and during this academic year we will continue to create a warm and compassionate environment that will support all children.

We aim to support ALL children and families in building up the children’s well-being and happiness by:

  • Igniting and restoring the  relationships between the children and their peers, the staff of the school and our parents
  • Listening to our parents, carers and children so as to build and support the community in every way we can
  • Being clear and transparent in how we are going to support the children in some of the areas of learning or content they may have missed by reminding them of our Growth Mindset and Learning Behaviour principals
  • Giving everyone space and time to express how they are feeling on the return to school and upon their experiences of being away from school
  • Planning themed curricular to mark and celebrate the children’s work and achievements

With every good wish as always. Please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office should you need to.

Mrs Waterfield Headteacher

Take a glimpse at our wonderful classroom doors and displays that inspire and motivate our children from the moment they step foot into the school...

Ofsted Good Provider
School Games Silver 2018 Badge
Art Council Artsmark Gold Badge
Havering London Borough Badge
Healthy Schools Badge
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Badge
St Edward's Catholic Parish Badge
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