Food at St Peter's
School Dinners

Havering Catering Services provide a ‘Healthy Options’ fixed price menu that guarantees a nutritionally balanced meal that complies with and usually exceeds the Government National Nutritional Standards for school lunches. The meal consists of a main course of a protein item with a choice of potatoes, bread or pasta, hot vegetables or salad, and a desert of the day or yoghurt, fruit or cheese and biscuits. In addition to this, fruit juice cuplets are available for a fixed price. Water is always available. During each term a number of ‘themed’ menus are available for the children to extend their food choices. Below is a link to the menu up to the end of Spring Term.
Packed Lunches
Children have an option to bring in a packed lunch provided by their parents. The school actively promotes an awareness of healthy eating and has provided guidelines from ‘Food in Schools –Dept. of Health’ to support parents and children in making informed choices about what to provide for a packed lunch.
As a result of the school’s healthy eating promotions and in consultation with the children, the School Council, staff, representatives of the parents, Governors and the Local Authority’s Healthy Schools Co-ordinator, particular limits on packed lunches have been introduced. Crisps, savoury, salted packet snacks, and all food containing chocolate are not permitted in a packed lunch. Sweets, fizzy drinks and glass bottled drinks are not allowed
Whole School Food Policy
At St Peter’s our aim is to improve the health and well being of the whole community. this is partially achieved by evaluating food provision within the school. This is set out in the Whole School Food Policy linked to below.
For the Whole School Food Policy, please see the St. Peter's 'Policies' page.
Free School Meals
At St. Peter's we would encourage eligible parents to apply for Free School Meals. You can ask at the School Office, or apply online via Havering's link below. To receive Free School Meals you must be receiving:
- Income Support, or
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, or
- Child Tax Credit, but not entitled to a Working Tax Credit, and whose annual income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) does not exceed £16,040 or
- You are being supported by the National Asylum Support Service (NASS), or You are an Asylum Seeker being supported by a Local Authority Social Services Department
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit not exceeding £13,910