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Welcome to my dog blog...

Hi, I'm Robbie.  I'm the school dog at St Peter's Catholic Primary School.  Read on to find out what I've been doing with the children in school. 

Learn more about me here...

Find out the reasons why I come to school here... 


Monday 30th September

Meet Robbie!

Today I went to meet all the new children who are new to the school in Turtles and Seahorses classes.  I love meeting new people but it's really important that people know the rules for interacting with me.  The rules are:

  1. Ask Mrs Evans if you can stroke me. 
  2. Mrs Evans will ask me to sit. 
  3. Let me sniff the back of your hand - this is how I get to know who you are and recognise you.
  4. Now you can stroke me - use a flat hand and stroke me from the head towards the tail. 

Don't pat or squeeze me, pull my ears or my fur or poke my eyes or nose.  I don't like this and, although I don't bite very often, I might if you do this!




Friday 4th October

CAFOD Family Fast Day

Today all the children were wearing bright colours for CAFOD's Family Fast Day and I don't like being left out so I wore some too!  I wore my bright red jumper and my rainbow bandana.  I actually matched with Mrs Evans who was wearing red and blue too!  I listened carefully in the assembly and I particularly liked seeing all the photos of people who'd been helped by CAFOD to learn how to sew or to do carpentry.  They could then use these for their own business to make money for their families.  It was great to see all the children in their bright colours and we raised lots of money for CAFOD.









Monday 4th September

Today I came back to school after my holidays. I have a new bed that I like to sleep in when I'm not spending time with the children around the school, although sometimes I like to lie under the table instead!  I'm so pleased to be back in school and can't wait to see the children on Wednesday.  Mind you, all those cuddles can be exhausting so I'll be sure to sleep well!





Monday 9th October

Today all the children had their school photo taken and guess what? So did I!  I had to be a very good boy and sit still for the lady to take the photo but she waved a cuddly toy and I thought she wanted me to jump down and play with it!  Luckily Mrs Evans had lots of treats for me so I sat nice and still and then I ate all the treats.  Can you see my school uniform in the photo? If you look carefully you'll see it...




Monday 13th November

Today was Odd Socks Day.  All the staff and children come into school wearing odd socks to mark the start of anti-bullying week.  It encourages people to embrace individuality and celebrate differences.  I mean, I'm different from the children in school - I'm very furry, I walk on all four legs and I can make 'woof' have so many different meanings.  Despite these differences, the children are always kind to me and very caring and they love the fact that I have paws and a tail, and even my big, pointy teeth!  So I decided that I would join in too and I wore my odd socks to school for the day as well. 




Monday 14th December

This is my favourite day of the year - Christmas hat day, because that means... CHRISTMAS DINNER! The children get to wear their Christmas hats while they eat their Christmas lunch. Roast turkey, roast potatoes, sausage and all the trimmings (or a vegetarian option).  Delicious - and I even got a slice of turkey and a sausage myself!  It was so good I tried wearing a different hat to get seconds but they weren't fooled.  Still, it was worth a try, eh?



Tuesday 15th December

Christmas jumper day. I was wearing a lovely warm jumper today.  Mrs Evans said it was red but it looked dark brown or grey to me. I couldn't work out though why people kept calling me Santa.  I'm Robbie!  

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