Online Safety
At St. Peter's we recognise that the use of the internet is a necessary tool for achieving success and for the positive development of each child’s future in a rapidly changing world. However, along with working online we also recognise the importance of our children understanding what it means to be safe when online.
Here you will find useful tips and helpful guides on how you can support your children when being safe online. We will also continue to keep you up to date with the online safety learning that is taking place in school.

Staying Safe Online During School Closure
We recognise that at this time children may be using an increased amount of online activites and whilst this is an excellent resource for the children to have access to, it is also important that children are remaining safe during this time.
Please find, to the right, some helpful documents to use to keep you up to date with what you should know about online safety.

Safer Internet Day @ St Peter's
Safer Internet Day is a national day that encourages children and young people to take part in making sure they are aware of how to stay safe online. Each year has a theme and this year it was 'All Fun and Games? Exploring respect and relationships online', which encouraged children to think about the relationships we build online through gaming and how to be respectful to one another. See our newsletter below for more information.

Links for Parents

This shows the age restrictions for many apps that your child may be using. We highly urge you to be aware of the age restrictions on apps and why they have been put in place before allowing your child to use any.
NSPCC – Share Aware
A comprehensive website which lets you know which sites are judged to be safer for your child to visit

UK Safer Internet Centre
Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.

Virgin Media Online Safety
Virgin Media have looked at some of the most constructive ways to protect parents and children from the main dangers and difficult trends online. Hints, tips and insights around the major issues.
A site funded by the big internet providers with very good

Think U Know
Website with great advice and resources for parents and children of various ages from CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection Command – Part of the National Crime Agency)

Links for Children
Use the links below to visit websites to become more aware of how to stay safe on the internet. Remember, if you find anything which worries or offends you on the internet, tell your teacher or parent straight away. You should never feel any awkwardness or embarrassment about doing this.
Remember, when on the Internet, never give away...
- Your full name
- Your address
- Your school
- Your user name or password
- Any pictures of yourself
- Your email address
Top Tips If Chatting Online:
(St Peter's does not encourage online chat, and prefers any communication between pupils to use the secure Learning Platform tools)
- Use a nickname online (not your real name) and a nickname that is not going to attract the wrong type of attention!
- Meeting up with an online friend can be dangerous – if you really have to meet up with them speak to an adult and make sure that they go with you.
- ALWAYS have a good look at the privacy settings of any spaces you post personal information on and make sure you know who can see or copy your stuff!
- Look out for your friends online and do something if you think they are at risk.
- Learn the SMART RULES and use them when you chat online!
- Treat your online space with respect – only allow your real life friends to link to you…if you haven’t met them in real life don’t link to them
- Delete chainmails - they're just rubbish.
Click here for a printable set of these SMART RULES for when chatting Onlne